
392 Game Reviews

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Great game

I gotta hand it to you, almost ALL of that was drawn? Great job, it paid of well, and suited the style and theme very well.

The game almost took me to another world, very dreamy really, enjoyable... challenging and generally good fun.

I'd love to see more games like these, keep it up!


A real jump in comparison to number 1. The choices were so much more in depth, and to find out, 170+ scenes... all fbf... jesus no wonder its so good.

Amazing game.

A fun start

I spent hours playing this a couple of years ago. It was great back then and still is now. The visuals were nice, the animation was fluent... it was all great.

Far to simple

The visuals and animation you set up were quite nice, very fluent... looked good. But that's only half way to a game, the game was boring. Way to simple, though the high score chart was nice.

It was Tetris

But thats the problem, it was Tetris... JUST Tetris. Most remakes to this site normally have their own swing on the game... different modes, high score tables, powerups, levels or atleast something to aim for. This was just the same tetris I've been playing for a while now.

It was well made, but the concept wasn't.

It was decent

Sure it was fun humor wise, but visuals? Animations, were just plain and overused.

bkdude responds:

meh. i got lazy

Perfect remake

God damnit! That takes me back, countless hours glued to my gameboy with all to hear the annoying tetris theme...

Thank you for giving me that experience again. The game was great, it looked perfect, I couldn't find a single bug and the general sculpt of it was well made: Easy to use, and fun to use!

I don't know how you got such a low score, so enjoy my request to submit it into puzzle games!

Good to see another submission by you guys!

Fun little game. Sure its simplistic... but that penguin can skate.

The game only really got interesting when it picked up some decent speed, so for the first couple of minutes... it was clear skating. Though the game is quite reptitive... its original and suprisingly fun.

Keep at it.

Slow motion = kickass

Whoever's idea that was deserves a cookie, brilliant choice with the slow motion, true... must of been a bitch to actionscript, but it was well worth it.

The game was great, one of the best games I've played since FancyPants and J RocketFingers.

The complicated gameplay though the simplistic concept appealed to me, it's alot like super smash, once you get the hang of it.. watch out badass frozen stick men.

Amazing game, keep it up!

Decent Skate Game

The game concept was simplistic, though the controls were advanced. It paid off, the game was unusually fun... quite easy to get use too.. fun and decent looking, the whole game pulled off smooth.

The only problem was learning the tricks, but other than that... good job!


Mark @Markface

Age 34, Male

Med Student


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