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Well... that was different.

I must admit, I admired the ironic sense of stickman bashing in this.

The animation was funny, would have been amplified with your own voice.

The visuals were poor, though that only helped further the elements of comedy in this.

It was ok.

Hmm, useful!

This was a decent tutorial. You should really expand on this by showing how to draw different objects, room angles etc.

Also, try fix the speed of the writing, perhaps add a go button?


Your remarkable ability to tell stories has been continued. This was one of the most touching, and awe inspiring animations I've ever seen.

The animation was amazing, you used a nice selection of wonderful visuals and animated them in a slow sense to give the movie a silent film feel, so you can solely adjust on the music playing.

What I loved was the ending, it really filled my heart. Animations like these come around oh so often, and I'm glad I was able to see it.

Amazing work Jazza.

Great laugh :D

Wow, the length of this episode was oh so much better. You also really went out of the same enviorment sort of feel for the animation with the tank chase scene, some nice frame by frame was there.

Good work.


This would of been a decent idea for Madness day actually if you had put some time into it. The visuals were above par before it went to the over exubrant smiley face.

Greenskullkid responds:

sorry.. i dont understand words like "exubrant" maybe Extreme, and from there i say. thanks for watching.

The humor died.

Alot of animations like these are ruined because you let the joke go on far too long.
You tried to display a high energy vibe such as a rock concert and only showed still frames of a stick guy mucking around with a guitar.

The sound also was dodgy on the looping, try using FL or Acid Pro to fix it up, you can get free trials from there sites.

I'm aware that this is just a birthday thing (Happy birthday to your dad by the way), but if you're submitting it to Newgrounds, you're going to get criticism... no matter what it is.

Way to slow.

Ok, first off you have the generic 'Kill-Everyone' storyline, so it isn't unique. You then make the animation take an incredibly long amount of time by overdoing all your frame by frame movements, text etc.

Don't get me wrong, the frame by frame work was nice at times, but you really need to pick things up.


Mark @Markface

Age 34, Male

Med Student


Joined on 11/12/05

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