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Nothing to do with physics

Well, that seemed ablsoutely pointless. It explained nothing about Newton's 3rd Law of Motion, except it showed a poor understanding to projectile motion and forces. If you got an A+ for that, either you're lying or your teacher is very lenient.

Now, onto the animation. Poorly made, surrounded by a vast collection of imported Jpeg's and uploaded SFX's. To top this all up, it was followed up by poor frame by frame work and simple tweening.

Now I'm aware this was for a school project, but you cannot use that in your defence. This is a website for animations and not a 5 minute job showing little work into science.

Try harder.

DaEnglishWeiner responds:

no shit shirlock, and yes it does deal with science. either u failed science and dont know newtons laws, or your just plain retarded.

im not gonna spend 17 hours working on a fricken school project, ok douchebag?

so shut up fucktard

The voice over helped

Without the voice over this animation would of easily gotten blammed. I like to see educational animation on this website, especially something of this calibur.

It was well set out and demonstrated the use of fireworks in an easy to understand manner.

The animation was fine, though if you want some pointers in that try and make it more visually compelling. Use diagrams, show examples etc... this will further increase the viewers enjoyment of the animation and can give you points for assessment.

I enjoyed it.

I love these shorts

Each one of them is just as fun as the last. You pick the music and really display it visually to its full potential. Great animation!

Foreverland responds:

Thank you!!!

Funny as hell.

Woah, you went from 0 to 30 with the effort of your animations! This absolutely smashes everything you've done in the past.

Now, while I'm no big zelda fan I got all the humor. The visuals were great, the animation was fluent to such an extent. Your frame by frame work was just amazing, one of the things that I loved.

Not only that, but you took alot of difficult angles to work with and made them great.

Anyway, on a whole I can say this was nothing short of spectacular... this has to be my favourite Zelda animation by far.

Great WoW flash

I quite liked this, a nice mix of clean, visually compelling animation and nice humor on a subject I am far to nerdy in.

Good work.

Great laugh

I've seen some of your previous work and the reason why I like it all is because you have such a unique style of comedy which I get.

Anyway, while this was short, it was a great laugh. Good job!

Jimtopia responds:

Thanks man, I'm glad I made ya laugh.

Tops the first

The only problem about this is that newgrounds is slowely going to be repeating your phrases to an extent that they're no longer funny. None the less;

The animation was great, a nice lengthy installment to your first work. You found a nice way to make your visuals coordinate with your humor and it paid off nicely.

Thanks for a lengthy episode, and I sure as hell hope to see more of these in the future.

Essence of Awesome

I absolutely loved this. In my opinion my favourite Pico Day submission. The animation throughout this was so smooth and enjoyable and was a good change from the kill them all enviorment encorperated with pico.

Great job.

Aww, nice ending.

The ending made the whole waffle face ripping off part just go away. Very nice.

Now onto the animation. You have a consistancey to keep your work at its peak. Your frame by frame work is amazing, very fluent and visually amazing.

I'd love to see future work from you if its going to be like this!


Mark @Markface

Age 34, Male

Med Student


Joined on 11/12/05

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