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It made me chuckle

After the start up. It got boring... fast. No real action or movement... nothing funny untill the YMCA part... I laughed a little.

You really need to speed up your animation and play the most important parts within it. Also dont just play from 1 angle so it gives your viewers something else to look at.

I think you could do well with this, for now... dont be afraid to put some effort into your work.

A pirate cant kill a ninja?

But besides the incorrect plot placement, the claymation was quite nice. The characters were made well, and the movement was nice too.

The only problems, were the blood... obviously drawn and the length. It was something nice, and a pain to see go after 20 seconds.

Keep at it.

A pretty exciting mountain

Climbing up to the top is just another way to show the talent that radiates from the art forum. An interesting mix of smart, humerous and complexing art visuals from a range of talented individuals.

I hope to see more.

SirNightOwl responds:

It's amazing how great the Art Forum people are. Everyone should drop by once in a while. You can see ToasT's rants at other people's rants. It's quite funny! and there's some artwork or something :D
Creature of the week (C.O.W) is always worth a look!

Refreshingly Original.

A wonderful collaberation of your own work. Taking us into almost a dreamscape of creativity, wander and general awe at your animation techniques, and abilities. Your frame by frame work is some of the best ive ever seen within this animation, and the creativity strives to show the amazing work contributed to this.

Amazing work, keep it up!

Aww... cute

This is probably my favourite claymation. I can see easily why kids would like this, so happy... so fun and very well thought out. The narrator had a good voice, not to sound gay but it worked well with the music and the style of the animation.

Keep the good work up.

I hope this series never dies...

"You are the gay"

Rofl, funny shit as per usual. Your animation looked alot better this time around, well better than usual. Anyway, Weebl... Peabo... Keep this shit going.

The years have passed

I remember watching this years ago. It seems so different now-a-days... the visuals have disolved but the humor stays strong.

I always wanted to see part 4 :(


Oh the irony. Brilliant cartoon. Very well made, fluent and enjoyable. It gets to the punchline fast and doesnt string itself out, which only builds up the humor.

You did a great job here, congrats.


Mark @Markface

Age 34, Male

Med Student


Joined on 11/12/05

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